On the back of my experience running the retreat in January, I decided to make 'self care' a personal focus. Lets face it, we are all often guilty of prioritising everything else in our life and not remembering the importance of looking after number 1. With that in mind, I have taken a few steps towards improving my own self care this month. One of the benefits of working at Watermill Wellness Centre is that I share the space with two other fantastic ladies, Natalie who is a psychotherapist (www.nataliemolyneuxtherapy.com) and Katie who is a beauty therapist (www.thebeautitioner.co.uk). This month I booked myself in for a full body massage with Katie and it was AMAZING! I realised how much my body was in need of some therapy itself and what a great way to end my week. This is definitely something I will book in more regularly and I can thoroughly recommend.
Natalie has introduced me to a group that she volunteers at called Positive Postnatal. I have now joined the team of professionals who give their time on a Monday morning to support mums with their new babies.
The aim of the group is to provide a safe space for mums to connect with others and reach out for support with their physical health, mental health and feeding advice....as well as a cuppa, a biscuit (or two) and some light hearted and honest conversation. It has been so lovely to be around mums and babies again, but also knowing that I'm not the one going home to sleepless nights and exhausted feeding anymore! The classes are open to anyone with a baby up to 6 months and we are hoping to achieve charity status soon so we can develop the provision. (more information can be found on their instagram page @positivepostnatal.
Self care is also about connecting with others and this month I hosted a get together of my fabulous chiro friends. Having spent 5 years together and seeing each other every month over that time, I really do miss our weekends together, so it was lovely to enjoy some catch up time together (and also more baby time as we now have Teddy in the gang!). We are all continuing to develop our chiropractic vision and it is exciting to see what this year will hold for us...
So as we enter into March, what are you going to prioritise? Is it time to get yourself adjusted?Or maybe you would like to book in with the other therapists working at Watermill Wellness Centre? Whatever you do, make sure you find a little time for you xx